Cheap Clothes Rule / Fashion and Style Blog

{February 23, 2010}   Maternity Clothes in 2010

There is little doubt that maternity clothes have evolved greatly in the last ten years, there are a variety of factors which have contributed to this development – some of which will be highlighted in this post. We have looked into some of the best maternity clothing in previous posts so there’s no need to go over old ground. Here we thought that it would be interesting to look over some of the factors invloved in the evolution of maternity fashion. Read the rest of this entry »

{August 28, 2008}   Maternity Fashion

Stylish Maternity Wear

Maternity clothing has became an issue for us recently, as we are now of the age that alot of our friends and colleagues are ‘falling’ pregnant. As if the major, life-changing responsibility of bringing a child into the world wasn’t enough stress, another major worry is ‘oh no!, how am i going to look good pregnant.’

Perhaps our generation are suffering flasbacks from remebering our mothers, whom, pregnant with our younger siblings would wander around for about 4 months looking like an escaped out-patient, wearing tent-like blue ponchos – not very flattering.

Well, the good news is that there is now a decent selection of stylish and affordable maternity wear out there. These are some of the better maternity wear selections available at the moment. Read the rest of this entry »

et cetera