Cheap Clothes Rule / Fashion and Style Blog

{November 26, 2009}   Your Christmas Shopping: Poll

This year the number of people shopping online during the festive period is set to rise again this year. We are also just over a week away from what has come to be known amongst online retailers as ‘Cyber Monday’. This is traditionally the busiest shopping day of the year, Amazon are hiring extra staff and opening new warehouses to deal with the increase in demand.

xmas shopping bag
Christmas Shopping


We were having a think about this at Cheap Clothes Rule – what are the reasons behind this continual increase in online activity whilst the High Street continues to dip? Is it down to improvments in the online shopping experience? or are Christmas shoppers getting fed up with the barrage of Christmas related activity from October onwards? We would welcome your thoughts…..

In the meantime, fill out our exciting Christmas shopping behaviour poll!

{December 12, 2008}   Woolworths rapid decline

Theres no getting round it, these are sad days for the UK High Street. The demise of Woolworths has been so spectacularly quick that we can hardly believe its actually happening. Although Woolies didn’t go into the cheap clothes market quite as heavily as their competitors (one mistake to add to the list possibly?), it was still a good stand-by if you needed a pair of socks in an emergency.

Like many of us in the UK, i harbour fond memories of Woolworths, for a few glorious childhood years it was a weekend highlight to get treated to a new toy or board game. There has obviously been some disastrous managment decisions, but regardless of all that  – passing the local store on the bus this morning with its empty shelves and disconsolate looking staff was actually quite poignant.

Contrary to this rather downbeat note, is it just us or does the High Street seem busier than ever this year? During our Christmas shopping shopping trips over the last couple of weekends there is scant evidence of the credit crunch. There are queues in almost every store and people seem to be buying in bulk. Where exactly are they getting the money from?

et cetera